10+ Far-From-Basic Basil Recipes

没有什么比自家花园种植的罗勒更美味的了. Aromatic, fresh, and bursting with flavor, 罗勒是一种用途广泛的草药,可以用于从汤、意大利面到甜点和鸡尾酒的所有食物中. 不管你是在自家后院种的还是从当地农民那里买的, 发现一些我们最喜欢的罗勒食谱,全年享用.

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Freezer Pesto

当你的夏日花园满是新鲜罗勒时,把它藏在冰箱里! 这个简单的香蒜沙司食谱省略了帕尔马干酪,所以当你准备好在冬天享用夏日美食时,你可以加(或不加)它.


  • 3杯新鲜罗勒叶,包装牢固

  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed

  • 半杯松子(腰果或核桃是很好的替代品)

  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • Sea salt to taste


  1. 在食品加工机里,把罗勒,大蒜和松子捣碎. 加入橄榄油,直到酱汁变得光滑. 品尝和调整盐以适应你的口味,记住稍后加入帕尔马干酪会增加咸味.

  2. 将圆形大勺香蒜沙司放入冰块托盘的凹槽中. Freeze until firm, 然后将香蒜酱块转移到密封的冷冻储存容器中, 如塑料冷冻袋或玻璃玻璃瓶,并储存在冰箱里,直到准备使用.

Recipe and photo adapted from Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Zucchini Pesto Pasta

在这个香蒜沙司食谱中,杏仁代替了更传统的核桃! 面条使这道菜的碳水化合物含量很低,而西红柿则增加了一种明亮的夏日甜味.


  • 1/3 cup unsalted almonds

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • 6 to 8 cloves of garlic, peeled

  • 3杯新鲜罗勒叶,去茎

  • 半杯磨碎的帕尔马干酪(可选)

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 3 pounds zucchini

  • 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes

  • Salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Using a blender or food processor, process the almonds, 加入橄榄油和大蒜,直到它们变成一团糊状. Blend the basil leaves into the almonds, olive oil and garlic, adding in small batches, until it forms a thick smooth paste. 将磨碎的帕尔马干酪和柠檬汁混合,直到想要的稠度,并加入盐调味.

  2. 西葫芦去皮,纵向切成两半. 用一只手握住一半,用勺子的尖端舀出种子. Repeat the process for all the zucchini.

  3. 用削丝器或螺旋器将西葫芦切成细长的条状或螺旋状. 将西葫芦“面条”放入一个大碗中. 把西葫芦面和罗勒香蒜沙司拌在一起,食用前加入圣女果.

Recipe and photo adapted from Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Garlic Basil Ratatouille

虽然这道炖菜不是传统的, 里面装满了蔬菜和罗勒, 使它成为烤鸡的绝佳佐料, steak, and so much more.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 yellow onion, diced

  • 1个红色或绿色甜椒,去籽切丁

  • 3 tablespoons minced garlic

  • 1 small zucchini, diced

  • 1 small yellow squash, diced

  • 1个小茄子,去茎,切成1/2英寸的方块

  • 1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes

  • 1/3 cup minced fresh basil

  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts

  • Salt and black pepper to taste


  1. 在一个大汤锅中,用中高火加热橄榄油. 把洋葱、甜椒和大蒜炒几分钟. 加入西葫芦,黄南瓜,茄子和番茄丁(带汁),小火慢炖.

  2. 盖上锅盖,小火炖10到15分钟,经常搅拌.

  3. When the eggplant and squash are tender, stir in the basil and pine nuts, and taste for salt and black pepper. Remove from heat and serve warm.

Recipe and photo adapted from Co+op

Photo Courtesy of Co+op

Braised Tomatoes with Burrata

If you’re unfamiliar with burrata, 这是一种软的马苏里拉奶酪,中间有奶油状的液体, 搭配夏季番茄和罗勒尤其美味.


  • 4 balls burrata cheese

  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 4 cups grape tomatoes

  • 6 cloves garlic, halved lengthwise

  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 cup fresh basil

  • Italian bread, sliced and toasted


  1. 把布拉塔奶酪放在一个9英寸深的派盘或类似大小的砂锅里.

  2. 在一个有盖的大煎锅里,用中高火加热橄榄油. 加入番茄、大蒜、香醋和盐,煮至沸腾. 将火调至中低,盖上锅盖. 焖20分钟,直到西红柿被一层糖浆包围.

  3. 把热的番茄混合物倒在奶酪上. 盖上撕好的罗勒,和面包一起食用.

Recipe and photo adapted from Co+op

Photo Courtesy of A Couple Cooks

Everything Basil Pizza


香蒜沙司用作酱汁,然后在上面放上新鲜的马苏里拉奶酪, parmesan, and a handful of fresh basil.


Find the full recipe at A Couple Cooks


Photo Courtesy of Feasting at Home

Summer Fruit Salad with Fresh Basil

Basil isn’t just for savory applications! 罗勒带着淡淡的香草味,可以把简单的水果沙拉提升到一个新的水平.

Here, cherries, peaches, blueberries, 不管你储备了什么其他的夏季水果,都可以和醋汁搭配在一起.




Photo Courtesy of Love and Lemons

Tomato Basil Soup

如果你有一个室内香草园,你想全年保持, 这里有一个在一年中较凉爽的季节使用罗勒的好方法! Or, 如果我们正在经历一个多雨的西北夏季, 如果你有新鲜的花园番茄,这个食谱是完美的!

只需要少量的食材, 这汤有浓郁的番茄味,配上香草很完美, sweet basil. 虽然这不是传统的做法,但香醋为所有的东西都添加了浓烈的冲劲.


Find the full recipe at Love and Lemons


Photo Courtesy of Well Plated by Erin

Lemon Basil Chicken

新鲜的罗勒很好吃,但你吃过油炸的罗勒吗? 它的味道发生了变化,呈现出一种完美的嚼劲和酥脆的口感——以最好的方式.

Here, crispy basil is paired with lemon, spinach, 还有鸡肉,一锅菜又快又简单, but packed full of flavor.



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